Spiritual Life Coaching

Working with a professional coach helps people achieve their goals faster and easier than if they were to go it alone. I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through a program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and use proven, powerful coaching techniques backed up with over 30 years of results. Coaching is great for people who need the structure of setting a goal, making a plan and committing to taking action in order to make progress. For clients who prefer a more free-flowing experience, check out my Spiritual Guidance service description.

We’ll start with me getting to know you, your hopes and dreams, your spiritual beliefs and any challenges you’re experiencing. With coaching the answers always come from you (and your higher power). We may do some guided exercises to help you connect to your highest heart wisdom within a coaching session. And I may share an intuitive hit occasionally, but only with your permission. We can focus on your everyday challenges or your big life questions - you decide where we focus and what steps you’d like to take. The special magic with spiritual life coaching is that we integrate the power of your spirituality into the coaching session - which will likely allow you to access powerful new insights and solutions you otherwise may have missed.

My coaching clients experience improved energy and wellness, more ease in their relationships, and greater meaning and love in their lives within one month of working with me. Typically, my clients feel peaceful and lighter after each coaching session. You will leave with renewed energy and a plan for moving forward.

I offer virtual or in-person spiritual life coaching sessions. If you’d like to integrate crystal bowl sound healing briefly into your coaching session (which is a very popular option ⭐), please let me know. You can also choose sound healing as an add-on when scheduling for a small, additional fee, which will slightly extend your appointment time.

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